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Margaret de Arcos

Hand-painted natural silk


Onna Bugeisha sobre 3 piezas, 2023

Natural silk crêpe de chine 16m/m

Painting on natural silk with gutta and gradient technique, vapour fixation

100 x 100 x 40 cm / 80 x 80 x 40 cm / 70 x 70 x 40 cm

“Camila pays tribute to Japanese women through the power of colour”.

For Camila Puya de Arcos, successor to Margaret de Arcos who founded the workshop in 1996, the link between natural silk, the artisan uses and ways of applying color to materials, and pattern design was always very present. Silk fashion and craftsmanship, the study of textiles and grammage, as well as the fixation of colors, was the subject of her master’s degree.